Monday, May 15, 2017

Present a live online class

The end of the course has arrived, and this will be the last post as a student of the master but not as a teacher.
On May 4th, my classmates and I had the pleasure of being part of a worldwide conference on Education MM10, through an online class in which we could expose the work done in our open educational projects. It is a very useful tool to make virtual classes in which the students can make comments and expose their works. You can practice here moodle4teachers.
I am going to summarize the work done during this course
By Beatriz Arance through GOOGLE SLIDE
During these last months in the master I have attended the subject "the use of tics and other resources". Within this subject our teacher, María Jesús, has taught us to develop an innovative educational project with which tomorrow we can do with our students.
We started our classes by creating our social profile in networks. For this we open a twitter account linked to the creation of our own blog. Through this, we have been publishing all the steps of the creation of this project.
I am going to tell you step by step how the project has been followed.
First, I created an educational project looking for information on Internet about activities I could do. I called my educational project "FORECAST THE WEATHER". It was a simple project in which students have to do activities such as an experiment about different characteristic of air, a chart comparing different seasons or climate, and a real weather station which would be the “main project”.
I already incorporated a cooperative methodology and work by projects in these activities. In this sense I thought it was a complete project, but Mary Jesus made us see that we can always do more.
In the next challenge, I had to modify my educational project, turning it into a collaborative and cooperative project. The part of doing the cooperative project I had already done, but I did not know how to turn it into a collaborative project. Reading the links provided by the teacher, I transformed my project into three parts. The first was the cooperative work that I had already embodied in my project, which was the creation of the weather station with recycles materials that they had to do in groups of four and each group had a part of the weather station.  The second one was modified by having children draw up their own diagrams and by contacting other educational centres in different cities, compares the results so that the work gets out of the classroom and the children collaborate with other children they do not know with the same objective. And finally return to the classroom and reflect on the different results obtained in different cities making students understand the variety of climates that we can find in the same country. In order to make this activities funnier I created Super Missions!
Once the project is done, we as teachers have to collaborate with other teachers, since the idea is not just that students learn but also ourselves. Collaborating with other teachers and their projects, we learn to improve and to evaluate the errors that our project has. The goal is that through collaboration, more enriching projects can be achieved.
And finally, I have learned to evaluate my project thanks to a rubric that facilitates the evaluation of the objectives achieved, or how we can improve if we have not reached the maximum.
From my point of view, it has been a very hard job to create such an educational project, but it is well worth giving our students and ourselves the opportunity to learn through these very enriching methodologies.
I leave you our videoconference so you can enjoy our experience creating an open educational project. I could not speak during the presentation due to time problems but my classmates talked about their projects and gave us very good ideas that I can use with my future students. I hope you learn to take it to the classroom and that education improves in our schools, as we have learned! See you soon!

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