Monday, May 15, 2017


It's time to say goodbye to this master.
It has been a pleasure for me to be part of this project, I am left with many good things, my classmates, who have been great; The teachers who have taught us a lot of things, despite the short time we had and the intensity of the classes, I believe they have tried to teach us everything they could and even more. Thanks to them I realized that teachers are the best source of information we can have, with all the experience they had, I do not think there are better people to show us another way of doing things in education.
For me it has been a very hard year, too many works to do when arriving home, and even without life beyond the master, is a joke. But in spite of everything it has been worth it.
As a conclusion of this master I took that as teachers we not only have to work inside the classroom but also there is a lot of work behind. This has been only a preparation for what awaits us, with the difference that we will have the responsibility to teach the children of the future, which is no a small thing.
Of this module in particular I remain with having learned to transform a normal lesson plan into a collaborative and cooperative project, I think it is a great idea, besides learning to evaluate through rubrics. And what has surprised me the most over these months is that I finally use twitter and make a blog, I never thought I could do it!
The only thing I have found negative is the hard work involved in creating an open digital education project, but it is worth it.
And as Nelson Mandela said "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"
By Beatriz Arance through "Imagechef"

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