Saturday, May 13, 2017


Here I leave you my new post, this week we have to turn an activity of our project into a "Super mission", the main objective is for children to have fun learning and what better way than through their own creations with the help of applications Digital images that are so appealing to them today.

In this case, let's make a comic about the properties of air. As we know air is a concept difficult to understand because it can not be seen, therefore for children it will be difficult to learn if we do something fun.
We will begin by explaining in class through videos and images the properties of air.
Then, following our cooperative and collaborative methodology, each class group will create its own comic and explain the properties of the air they have understood, in this way will be a way to evaluate the learning process.
In this case we will provide the digital tool that will be PIXTON, it is easy to use and there is even a very simple and free student option.
Once they have finished their comics, we will create a class book in which all the comics will appear, every weekend a student will be able to take it home to show it to his family, so it will be a traveling book. If any parent will like to collaborate, you can join as many comics as you want.
I leave you an example of what a comic would look like.
I hope you enjoy!You can click on the link to see it better COMIC

With this task I have learned that you can teach children through more innovative activities in which the child feels like a super hero with a super mission. In this way we will get the students to learn more and more.

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