Monday, May 15, 2017


It's time to say goodbye to this master.
It has been a pleasure for me to be part of this project, I am left with many good things, my classmates, who have been great; The teachers who have taught us a lot of things, despite the short time we had and the intensity of the classes, I believe they have tried to teach us everything they could and even more. Thanks to them I realized that teachers are the best source of information we can have, with all the experience they had, I do not think there are better people to show us another way of doing things in education.
For me it has been a very hard year, too many works to do when arriving home, and even without life beyond the master, is a joke. But in spite of everything it has been worth it.
As a conclusion of this master I took that as teachers we not only have to work inside the classroom but also there is a lot of work behind. This has been only a preparation for what awaits us, with the difference that we will have the responsibility to teach the children of the future, which is no a small thing.
Of this module in particular I remain with having learned to transform a normal lesson plan into a collaborative and cooperative project, I think it is a great idea, besides learning to evaluate through rubrics. And what has surprised me the most over these months is that I finally use twitter and make a blog, I never thought I could do it!
The only thing I have found negative is the hard work involved in creating an open digital education project, but it is worth it.
And as Nelson Mandela said "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"
By Beatriz Arance through "Imagechef"

Present a live online class

The end of the course has arrived, and this will be the last post as a student of the master but not as a teacher.
On May 4th, my classmates and I had the pleasure of being part of a worldwide conference on Education MM10, through an online class in which we could expose the work done in our open educational projects. It is a very useful tool to make virtual classes in which the students can make comments and expose their works. You can practice here moodle4teachers.
I am going to summarize the work done during this course
By Beatriz Arance through GOOGLE SLIDE
During these last months in the master I have attended the subject "the use of tics and other resources". Within this subject our teacher, María Jesús, has taught us to develop an innovative educational project with which tomorrow we can do with our students.
We started our classes by creating our social profile in networks. For this we open a twitter account linked to the creation of our own blog. Through this, we have been publishing all the steps of the creation of this project.
I am going to tell you step by step how the project has been followed.
First, I created an educational project looking for information on Internet about activities I could do. I called my educational project "FORECAST THE WEATHER". It was a simple project in which students have to do activities such as an experiment about different characteristic of air, a chart comparing different seasons or climate, and a real weather station which would be the “main project”.
I already incorporated a cooperative methodology and work by projects in these activities. In this sense I thought it was a complete project, but Mary Jesus made us see that we can always do more.
In the next challenge, I had to modify my educational project, turning it into a collaborative and cooperative project. The part of doing the cooperative project I had already done, but I did not know how to turn it into a collaborative project. Reading the links provided by the teacher, I transformed my project into three parts. The first was the cooperative work that I had already embodied in my project, which was the creation of the weather station with recycles materials that they had to do in groups of four and each group had a part of the weather station.  The second one was modified by having children draw up their own diagrams and by contacting other educational centres in different cities, compares the results so that the work gets out of the classroom and the children collaborate with other children they do not know with the same objective. And finally return to the classroom and reflect on the different results obtained in different cities making students understand the variety of climates that we can find in the same country. In order to make this activities funnier I created Super Missions!
Once the project is done, we as teachers have to collaborate with other teachers, since the idea is not just that students learn but also ourselves. Collaborating with other teachers and their projects, we learn to improve and to evaluate the errors that our project has. The goal is that through collaboration, more enriching projects can be achieved.
And finally, I have learned to evaluate my project thanks to a rubric that facilitates the evaluation of the objectives achieved, or how we can improve if we have not reached the maximum.
From my point of view, it has been a very hard job to create such an educational project, but it is well worth giving our students and ourselves the opportunity to learn through these very enriching methodologies.
I leave you our videoconference so you can enjoy our experience creating an open educational project. I could not speak during the presentation due to time problems but my classmates talked about their projects and gave us very good ideas that I can use with my future students. I hope you learn to take it to the classroom and that education improves in our schools, as we have learned! See you soon!

Design an assessment rubric

Today I am going to show you the last step in the elaboration of my open educational project, the evaluation. Like any lesson plan, project or learning process, there must be an assessment. But I do not mean a numerical evaluation with an exam at the end of the lesson, there are other types of assessments that value the whole learning process, from the first day to the last. In the case of my project, the evaluation takes place through the observation during the elaboration of the project and the correct completion of all the activities that are integrated in it.

As teachers, we have to be very clear what the objectives we want to achieve through our project and be realistic in turn with the circumstances of each student. For this, we are going to help from a rubric.
An assessment rubric consists of a table with the evaluation criteria that we want to evaluate, and in each criterion, the different levels that can be reached  by students, since not all the perfect work are always done and many times we see that they give us a 7 in a examen or activity without explaining why.

I think that thanks to the rubrics the students know what goals they have to achieve, the score they are going to get and how they can improve. I feel this an immediate feedback between the teacher and the student. 
And for us it is a way of evaluating more objectively and completely taking into account all aspects of the project.

In order to make my rubric I used google docs and Microsoft word to create a data table. The criteria I have used range from learning theoretical concepts, elaboration of activities ( 1st super mission and 2nd super mission) and finally teamwork. In this way I evaluate all aspects of the project. To carry out it I have helped from the following LIST Listly by my teacher María Jesús and I read "Edutopía guía diez consejos para evaluar"I think they are very interesting to understand how to evaluate and what things we must take into account.

Here is an example of a rubric in my open educational project.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


Hello everyone! Today I present my second super mission!
This time instead of making a comic we will create our own class blog. The teacher will create a blog in which the students will write every day their experiences. As we are working in a collaborative and cooperative way, the first step will be, following the groups done before, for the group speaker to meet with his/her peers to reach an agreement with what is going to be written on the blog, every day  spokesperson for a group will write what they have done in class on the blog. Once the learners finish the project, they will be able to see the whole process in the class blog. They will write in addition to the experiences lived also the process of elaboration of the project, besides photos and videos so that you enjoy with us.
The idea of ​​the blog is that everyone can be part of our project, both school friends, parents, family and even other schools that are collaborating with us in the project. Therefore we can exchange the meteorological data so we can carry out our analysis of the final project.
I leave you an example of how it would be the introduction of the blog in which children would be the ones who would write. I hope I have given you a nice idea to work in class!

I love the idea of doing a class blog so that all children feel protagonists and can proudly display their works. We, during the master, have used blogger as a digital tool and it is perfect to show your work and you can feel proud of it, if we as a teachers can feel a sense of satisfation, could you imagine a child?


Here I leave you my new post, this week we have to turn an activity of our project into a "Super mission", the main objective is for children to have fun learning and what better way than through their own creations with the help of applications Digital images that are so appealing to them today.

In this case, let's make a comic about the properties of air. As we know air is a concept difficult to understand because it can not be seen, therefore for children it will be difficult to learn if we do something fun.
We will begin by explaining in class through videos and images the properties of air.
Then, following our cooperative and collaborative methodology, each class group will create its own comic and explain the properties of the air they have understood, in this way will be a way to evaluate the learning process.
In this case we will provide the digital tool that will be PIXTON, it is easy to use and there is even a very simple and free student option.
Once they have finished their comics, we will create a class book in which all the comics will appear, every weekend a student will be able to take it home to show it to his family, so it will be a traveling book. If any parent will like to collaborate, you can join as many comics as you want.
I leave you an example of what a comic would look like.
I hope you enjoy!You can click on the link to see it better COMIC

With this task I have learned that you can teach children through more innovative activities in which the child feels like a super hero with a super mission. In this way we will get the students to learn more and more.

Sunday, May 7, 2017


Hello everyone, in my last post, let's remember, I converted my open educational project into a collaborative project. Through the activities we had the children have to work as a team and collaborate with other schools to compare information and learn from each other. But why should only children work cooperatively? Teachers should also be an example and for this, there are people who have created educational projects for teachers, in which everyone presents their project and others can help, give ideas, evaluate, ect. In this way we also learn from our mistakes and we can create projects more interesting for our students.

Then you will see a video that I created through WeVideo because I would like to be part of the project of the blog "Tertulias con sabor a chocolate". I love the project that they carry out and I think it would be a fantastic idea to incorporate it into my educational project. I hope I can be part of it!

To make the video I have recorded through the phone and edited it with the application that I have already mentioned. To be able to do the elevator pitch I have created a template that you will see below.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Present a live online class

I have been invited to be presenters at MM10 along with my classmates, it is a worldwide online event for teachers. My class #ictclil_urjc will be presented tomorrow  4th May at 16.00 at Wiziq and its title is Open Educational Digital Projects for CLIL Primary Education.
I show you a slide that shows the summary of what I have learned throughout this course.
I will tell you in the next post the experience that I will live tomorrow!