Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Prototype your Open CLIL Educational Digital Project

The new challenge this week is to create an open educational project. For me to be able to elaborate it and to take into account all the points that must appear in the project, I have been helped by a template that includes sections such as contents, objectives, methodology, evaluation criteria or education standards. Thanks to this template you incorporate all the points in the project.
My project is called "Weather forecast". Throughout theme the contents that are going to work are the air and its characteristics, and the climate and weather. Through the observation and application of the different activities, they will have to recognize the differences between these contents. Following a cooperative methodology and the work by projects, since considering that each one we have capacities and in equipment, we can enrich more.
It is a very dynamic and fun educational project for the students, in which the final work will be the construction of a meteorological station that will bring the children closer to a more real learning.

Picture taken at http://www.sunhatsandwellieboots.com/2014/05/diy-weather-station-for-kids-to-make.html

I share with you the latest tool I learned in #ictclil_urjc. Thanks to #issuu you can publish your work and show it to others. 
This is very easy to use, you only have to do the document in word and then publish it on the website of issuu and follow a few simple steps, they will publish your work and you can share it in different social networks.

Then, if you click on the link, you can see the template about my project. 

I hope you enjoy!
My Open CLIL Educational Digital Project 
Created by Beatriz Arance López

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