Thursday, March 23, 2017


Here I share with you an interview with my classmate of the Master, Beatriz Diaz. We have had to carry out this project as a class work in order to know how this tool works, and in the future we can use it with our students. This tool can be used with our students using the methodology of the flipped classroom, in which the teacher provides the theoretical part through this tool, and the practical part is done in class with the students. It is a good way to provide the student with the information they need to work in class.

For the accomplishment of this activity, my partner and I have recorded in video for the answers with our mobile phone and audios for the questions. We have used the program Windows Live Movie Maker for the edition of the video in which appear slides and audio with the questions, and the videos with the answers of the interview. Once we have finished the editing we have uploaded it to YouTube and we have shared it on twitter and the blog.

We have had fun doing the videos, and hope you enjoy watching them too.

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